Error message

Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /home/rougecafe/public_html/includes/


Matariki Special

Have you tried our Matariki Chowder yet? - Cloudy Bay Clams and Moko Smoked Eel in a creamy chowder with Jerusalem artichoke, spinach and horopito.
It's all part of the Waikato Food Inc Matariki Menu Challenge running until 19 July.
If you enjoy our Matariki Chowder make sure you vote for us on your smartphone with the FindUs app (ask for the QR voting code at the counter). And you will go in the draw to WIN a weekend for two at Dreamcatcher Lodge in Raglan from Sleeping Lady Lodging AND dinner at one of Raglans best eateries.